The theory of science presents basic information on the phenomenon of science (scientific language, exploratory cognition and its products, including the fruits of science, cognition as a form of education and scientific and research institutions). The discussed concept of science is to indicate those elements which are common to all sciences. At the same time, we point to the distinctive characteristics of different types of sciences, as well as sciences of science (meta-science).
1. Scientific language and its categories (names, propositions, questions, definitions), types ofreasoning and arguments,
2. The concept of scientific method (unity of science and methodological pluralism)
3. Stages of scientific research (from posing a knowledge-generating question, throughobservation, to the construction of theory and its verification)
4. Types of scientific methods (deductive, empirical, statistical and historical sciences) andmethodological peculiarities of sciences (humanities, philosophy, theology)
5. Subject-matter and purpose of the study: nature of science
6. Structure and dynamics of scientific theory (the problem of change - cumulative and anti-cumulative, the social dimension of science - a community of scientists and paradigms)
7. Relevant methodological debates:
a. Science and philosophy (metaphysics)
b. Context of discovery and context of justification
c. Theory and experience
d. Problem of scientific rights (especially in social and historical sciences)
e. Realism and anti-realism (social constructivism)
f. Science and values (and valuations)
g. Theoretical, practical (including technology) sciences
h .Social dimension of science (STS)