LAS interview - what to expect?

We receive many questions about the interview for our program. To meet these questions, we have prepared a special article. From it, you will learn what to expect during the conversation.

After registration

The interview takes place online on the MS Teams platform. After registration (we remind you to pay the fee!), You will receive an email from us. It will contain information about the date and time of the interview and a link to the interview room. It is worth setting aside time and securing the appropriate conditions.

Topics' preaparation

You should prepare two self-invented topics for the interview. You can choose any field of science, research problem, theory, significant discovery, etc. Take advantage of this freedom and choose topics that show Your academic skills. Be comprehensive - the presentation should last 5-7 minutes and have a proper structure. You can (but don't have to) use a multimedia presentation. You don't have to report the topics in advance.

The interview istelf

The interview takes about 15 minutes. Its purpose is to check your predispositions and motivation to study our program. During the interview, the commission will ask you about them and then choose one of the two to present. After the presentation, you can expect follow-up questions. The interviewers want to check if You can deal with criticism, change your approach or integrate new data.

We hope this short article will help you prepare for your interview. If you have any extra questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Good luck!

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