Fine Arts in the History of European Civilization

  • Lecturer:
    prof. UAM dr hab. Michał Mencfel, dr Dorota Łuczak
  • ECTS:
  • Form of study:
    Lecture, 60h
  • Type of class:

    Disciplinary, mandatory

  • Time:

    2nd year, 1st semester

  • Class description:

    Aims of the class:

    1. Transfer of basic knowledge about changing role of art in european culture from it’s beging to the present, especially:
    2. Transfer of knowledge about the role of images (works of art) in magical and cultic practices
    3. Transfer of knowledge about the role of images (works of art) in the system of legitimization and propaganda of authority
    4. Transfer of knowledge about the role of images (works of art) in the process of acquiring and distribution of knowledge
    5. Transfer of knowledge about the role of images (works of art) as collectable objects
    6. Transfer of knowledge about the role of images (works of art) in the contemporary mass-culture
    7. Development of the skill of critical analysis of a work of art by acknowledging it’s persuasive and causative power

  • Related materials:

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